Begger’s Night

Ok, I must admit that there have not been a great number of differences between Iowa and Arkansas.  The climate hasn’t been terribly different (yet!). Both have bad football teams.  You get my drift. However, I was a little confused when I was first told of Begger’s Night.  Begger’s Night is the night BEFORE Halloween. This is the night in Iowa that kids go Trick-or-Treating, between the hours of 6 and 8 pm.  After 8pm, the night is over and you go home.  I knew these Yankees were strange but this is too much.  Please someone explain to me the purpose of Halloween if not for kids to go out and get candy.  Why create a special night just for this?????

I’ve saved the best for last.  As with Halloween, on Begger’s Night, you only go to houses with the lights on.  HOWEVER, if you are not going to be home, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE A BOWL OF CANDY ON YOUR PORCH!!  What!?  Leave candy on the porch.  These people are obviously NOT where I am from.  If you leave a bowl of candy on your porch in Arkansas, not only would kid 1 take ALL the candy, but their momma would come behind them AND TAKE YOUR BOWL!!! 

I don’t know about these Iowans.  Just seems a little strange to me!  Here are some pics of the kids on BEGGER’S NIGHT.  Enjoy.

Blog Updates

I apologize for the lack of recent blog updates.   We are now (somewhat) settled in our house and life is getting to be as normal as it can be for us.  I will try to begin some blog updates again next week.  My goal will be for 2 or 3 a week going forward.