It’s Caucus Time

Kerri and I trekked across the street tonight to experience the first in the nation battle for the office of President.  We went to the Republican caucus in Waukee.  Here is our experience:

6:30pm – Arrive at Waukee High School.  When we enter the doors we see 8 million people (ok maybe this is an exageration but not by much)  There are very small signs that show people where to go.  Kerri and I can’t see the signs so we start asking people where to go.  NO ONE KNOWS.  So like good cattle, we just jump in line and start moving toward the area of the table.  Here is a picture:


7:10 pm – Kerri and I initial beside our names on the voter list and we are handed our ballets.  No one checked our ID’s.  No one asked us any questions.  I pulled the list with our names off the table and then told the guy manning the table that we signed and needed our ballets.  He handed us our ballets, no questions asked.  The ballets we were given were simply white copy paper that any middle school kid could have created on their computer.

After receiving our ballets, we were told to go to the cafeteria.  There we waited (along with the other 8 million people.)  As a side note, even though it was 30 degrees outside, it was 873 degrees inside that cafeteria!!!

7:50pm – The festivities began.  One by one, representatives from the campaigns stood atop a table and told us in 1 minute or less why we should vote for their guy.  The McCain guy ran a little long and the crowd let him know.  Several around the room began to shout, “1 MINUTE!, 1 MINUTE!” Here is a picture of that area:


8:10pm – Waukee District 4 is told to go to the media center.  As we leave the cafeteria we are greeted with 150 degree air, which felt much better than the 873 degree heat we were in.  In the media center, we have to elect a chairman of the district and a secretary.  Then we are allowed to cast our ballot.  We put the ballots in a trash can by the door on the way out (very appropriate I thought) and Kerri and I were out the door by 8:23pm. 

Here is a picture of Kerri and I taking part in history (can you tell the ballot is upside down?):


Not sure we will do this again but at least we had the chance to experience Iowa Politics firsthand.